From Pests to Paychecks: How Google Ads Transformed a Local Pest Control Business


Running a local pest control business is no small feat. Between managing staff, ensuring customer satisfaction, and fighting off a myriad of creepy crawlies, there’s hardly time to think about expanding your reach. That’s where Daintree Digital comes in. Through the potent magic of Google Ads, we recently helped a local pest control service take their business from stagnant to flourishing. This 180-day case study outlines how we achieved a 3x ROI, decreased CPA and CPL, and dramatically increased weekly inbound inquiries.

The Challenge

When the client first came to us, their online presence was similar to that of a hidden bug; invisible but waiting to be discovered. The primary hurdles included:

  • Low Return on Investment (ROI)
  • High Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
  • Elevated Cost Per Lead (CPL)
  • Sparse Inbound Inquiries

The Strategy

Our plan was straightforward: Utilize the robust targeting capabilities of Google Ads to reach potential customers when they’re most likely to need pest control services.

Targeting and Budgeting

We chose highly relevant keywords and implemented geographic targeting to focus only on the client’s service areas. This helped to cut down on irrelevant clicks and decrease the CPA.

Creative and Copy

Our ads were designed to be eye-catching with compelling calls-to-action. The copy was succinct yet informative, emphasizing the client’s unique selling points.

Landing Pages

We also optimized landing pages to convert as much of the incoming traffic into qualified leads, further lowering the CPL.

The Results

3x ROI

After 180 days of our paid search campaigns, the client was not only visible online but standing out like a knight in shining armor in a battlefield of bugs. The ROI was an impressive 3x, a dramatic turnaround from their initial standing.

Lower CPA and CPL

We successfully lowered the Cost Per Acquisition and Cost Per Lead, ensuring that the client got more bang for their buck.

Increased Inbound Inquiries

The client witnessed a steady increase in inbound inquiries each week, a clear indicator of a growing customer base and enhanced market presence.

Our 42-in-100 Promise

We’re so confident in our approach that we promise to bring you 42 new customers in the next 100 days through proven strategies like local search advertising and ROI-focused advertising. In simpler terms, we aim to make every dollar you spend count.

Next Steps…

Ready to transform your local business from a hidden gem to the talk of the town? Book a call with Daintree Digital today and let’s strategize your route to success!

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