Reducing CPA and Boosting Conversions: A 6-Month HVAC Success Story

In the competitive realm of business, especially in niche sectors like HVAC, Plumbing, and Automotive Repair, understanding the nuances of digital advertising can make all the difference. Whether you’re already running Google Ads or are considering starting your first campaign, it’s essential to grasp how to make every dollar count. For instance, do you know what CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) is and why it matters for your bottom line? Let’s dive into a real-world case study that breaks down how we significantly lowered the CPA for one of our HVAC clients.

Setting the Benchmark: The CPA Goal (What’s CPA?)

CPA, or Cost Per Acquisition, is a crucial metric that calculates the amount spent on advertising divided by the number of new customers acquired. Our client had a targeted CPA range of $75 to $133, illustrating the maximum they were willing to invest to bring in each new customer. 

The Power of Negative Keywords (What Are They?)

Negative Keywords are specific terms you want to exclude from your ad campaigns. This narrows down your target audience and prevents wasting budget on irrelevant clicks. In simpler terms, it’s about targeting your ads to those who are genuinely interested in your HVAC services—increasing ROI (Return on Investment).

Surviving Google’s Match Type Changes (What’s This About?)

Google occasionally updates its keyword match type algorithms, which can impact your ongoing ad campaigns. By consistently refining our negative keywords strategy, we navigated through these changes to keep the ads effective and relevant.

The Results: Beyond Expectations (What Does This Mean?)

We didn’t just meet our initial goals; we exceeded them! The CPA dropped to $63.42, and we achieved 740 conversions, like form submissions or phone calls, over the six-month period. This optimized our client’s budget and significantly increased their customer base.

Here’s a video of the case study. You can also click here to download a copy.

Who Can Benefit from Our Services?

Whether you’re already investing in Google Ads or planning to start your first campaign, we have tailored strategies to meet your needs. Our approach suits businesses of all kinds, especially those in HVAC, Plumbing, Automotive Repair, Chiropractic Care, Pest Control, Law, Roofing, and Remodeling.

Our 42-in-100 Promise (Why Should You Trust Us?)

We’re so confident in our targeted and effective methods that we offer our 42-in-100 promise: 42 new customers in just 100 days. And this isn’t limited to HVAC; we also achieve stunning results across various other sectors. That’s a guarantee you can bank on.

Ready to Lower Your CPA? (Let’s Get to Work!)

If you’re in HVAC or any of our other specialized fields, now is the time to make your Google Ads work smarter for you. Our 42-in-100 promise removes the uncertainty from digital advertising and offers a results-driven guarantee.

Don’t let your advertising budget go to waste. Book a call with us to discuss how we can elevate your digital marketing strategy, whether you’re a seasoned Google Ads user or a complete newbie.

Ready for Growth? Schedule Your Free Strategy Call

Whether you’re a seasoned Google Ads user or a complete newbie, don’t let your advertising budget go to waste.

Book a call with us to discuss how we can elevate your digital marketing strategy. 

Click the button below to book your free strategy call with Daintree Digital today!

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